FINGER FINGER a fortran program to read the system authorization file and read a user record by either uic or username install with sysprv... if the calling account has oper priv then finger will supply the entire owner field, priv mask, and default device and directory. Finger is designed to run in an academic environment. Therefore non prived users (those without OPER) cannot call finger from a command procedure or a subprocess. (an attempt to keep users (students) from running brute force programs to determine the username of every user on our 14,000 user systems Since our site keeps the users SSN in the first 9 chars of the owner field FINGER will mask first 9 chars of the owner to non prived users if the first 9 chars are all numeric...if they are non-numeric then finger will output the entire field. FINGERBLD.COM builds the image from FINGER.FOR and FINGERMSG.MSG INSFINGER.COM will install the FINGER program in sys$system and update the System DCL tables as well as the system help help file