[VAXF84.FERMILAB.PMU] This submission contains the PMU library and the associate sources, Help and commmand procedures. PMU stands for Post Mortem Utilities. The PMU library contains a set of routines to be used in condition handlers to get post mortem dumps of registers, the stack and portions of memory. This can be useful for detached process which function properly for the most part but sometimes fail due to infrequent bugs or other mysterious problems. It can be very hard to debug such processes (such as network servers) which fail only rarely and only under somewhat non-reproducible circumstances. In such cases, post mortem informat can assist in isolating the problem. The Post Mortem Utilities are a synthesis of several sets of routines written for specific network-based applications at Fermilab. The goal was to produce a more general package of greater applicability and to ease the maintainence for several applications. The package includes utility routines called from condition handlers and a generic post mortem condition handler illustrating the use of the routines. ***** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ***** The development and testing of these routines is incomplete. The final problem concerns the generic post mortem condition handler and the use of disk files for SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR output streams from single image (no DCL) detached processes. In particular, although all the routines have been tested and debugged, none have yet been incorporated into any operational application at Fermilab (mostly due to a lack of manpower). So let the programmer beware!