DFWLUG OVERVIEW The following sub-directories hold the contribution from the DFW Lug area: The [.DIGITALSW] sub-directory contains command files for DELDIR, which is a delete directory tree program, TELL, which will execute a single command on a remote DECnet node, and SCHEDULER, which is a program which will aid in scheduling jobs at a given time or day of the week. The [.NETPRINT] sub-directory contains a rewrite of REMPRT. This version uses logical names to define printers which belong to other nodes on a DECNET network. The [.OU] sub-directory contains updates to Fall 83 FUN.DIR directory, a command file which will alert the user of 'unnecessary' files, and aid in deleting them, and the game MORIA, another DnD type game but a very good one. The [.SOHIO] sub-directory contains a collection of system manager 'helpers', a modified (for V4.0 DECnet) version of the DECUS NETMAP program, and a program which will broadcast commands to multiple nodes in a DECnet VAX network simultaniously. The [.TECHDEVEL] sub-directory contains updates of VMS Security related command files which can be included with the System and will monitor various 'areas of interest' within the system and report back to the System Manager whenever something out of the ordinary appears, as well as a command file which is designed to locate 'World read' command files which may need to be changed prior to V4.0 making is appearence. The [.VEECO] sub-directory has a rather comprehensive 'Directory Manager' program which wil allow the user to move and control actions within the directory tree. (Librarian's note: see [.TI.DM] for another version of this program.) The [.WESTELECT] sub-directory contains an updated version of REMINDER, which is a very good personal Reminder program to keep up with the day to day fire-drills.