T L X C O M - Telex command procedures This directory contains command procedures used in the development of the TELEX interface software package. There are command procedures to perform assemblies, link the object modules to produce an executeable image, generate macro and object libraries, and perform other utility functions. These prove very useful in the program development cycle, as via the command synonyms set up in the logical name assignment command procedure one can quickly work with one or a number of the modules in question. These command procedures make extensive use of VMS V3.0 DCL enhancements, including but not limited to the F$SEARCH lexical function. TLXASSIGN Assigns necessary logical names and DCL commands TLXBLD Builds necessary macro libraries and generates image TLXFLB Builds a form library using the FMS V2.0 librarian TLXLNK Links object modules together to produce image TLXMAR Assembles a source module using macro libraries TLXMLB Builds the TELEX support macro library TLXSPM Builds the TELEX structured macro library