STATS Introduction The program supplied by DEC for monitoring the operation of VMS, MONITOR, is fine for instantaneous observation of the system. However, when it comes to long term information, MONITOR stinks. To that end, STATS and MOUSE were born to be what MONITOR is'nt. MOUSE stands for Monitor Usage Evaluator. It is a detached process that periodically wakes up, gathers information, puts it away for safe keeping, and goes to sleep again. STATS is the program that "formats" this kept information into various forms. Generating STATS and MOUSE 1) Since MOUSE periodically wakes up to sample the system, you must decide how often it is to sample. The default sample period is 5 minutes. At this rate, MOUSE consumes about 177 disk blocks/day and 18 cpu sec/day. I have found this a very satisfactory sampling period. Also you must select a place for the file that MOUSE creates and STATS reads to reside. The standard name is SYS$SYSTEM:RATSNEST.NST. This is also subject to your test. Since people organize their help librarys in different ways, you must also select the place STATS help file is to reside. These changes are effected by editing two files. To change the sample period of MOUSE, edit the file MOUSESUBS.FOR. Change the paramter ASCII_DELTA_TIME to suit your taste. To change the name of the performance file that STATS and MOUSE use, change the value of parameter STANDARD_NEST_FILE to your taste. To change the location of the help file STATS will use, edit the file STATSUBS.FOR. Change the parameter STANDARD_HELP_LIB to your taste. 2) Execute the COM file, AS.COM. Then execute the COM file MOUSEGEN.COM. Next execute the COM file, STATSGEN.COM. You have now created the a custom STATS and MOUSE for your system. 3) Copy the executeables in EXE: to a suitable place on your system, such as SYS$SYSTEM:. Edit your SYSTARTUP.COM file to run MOUSE as a detached process when the system has come up and become fully functional. Please note that MOUSE needs the privs CMKRNL, GROUP and WORLD to function effectively. STATS requires no privs at all. Please note that the file created by MOUSE has WORLD read access. Be sure the directory tree it resides under also has world access. Edit your master login file that sets up symbols to reflect the location of STATS so it can be executed from a simple invocation. Copy the file STATS.HLB to the location pointed to by the parameter STANDARD_HELP_LIB in STATSUBS.FOR. 4) Sit back and wait for MOUSE to "do its thing". I suggest waiting for 3 sample periods before doing anything with STATS. If you have any questions on STATS and/or MOUSE, I can be reached at (214) 466-8813. If you wish to write, send your suggestions or letter bombs to United Technologies Mostek Page 2 Generating STATS and MOUSE 1215 West Crosby Road Mail Station 600 attn. Gary Smith Carrollton, TX 75006