\input basic \font L=cml10 \font M=cml12 \font N=cmss8 \font R=CMFIB \font I=CMI10 \font A=CMASC10 \font X=CUL30 \output{\vbox to size{\page\vfill}} % No page numbers, please. \parindent 0pt \vskip 0.5in \par \hbox to size{\hbox{\vbox{\vfill \hbox{\:MColumbia University \:Lin the City of New York} \vskip 0.1in \hbox{\:NCENTER FOR COMPUTING ACTIVITIES} \hbox{612 West 115th Street} \hbox{New York, N.Y. 10025} \hbox{(212) 280-5126} }}\hss\vbox{\hbox{\hss\:Xb}\vfill\hbox{\hss\:IMay 5, 1983}}} \parskip 12pt\vskip .25in \:R Dear KERMIT User, Included on the enclosed tape are all the successful implementations of KERMIT done or received by us to date. Some of you have waited over two months for this shipment; the long delay was necessary for development of new KERMIT support for systems which many of you requested: the DEC Rainbow 100, DEC VAX/VMS, and Apple II/DOS. In addition, the RT-11 Pascal implementation was completed, several new CP/M systems are now supported by KERMIT-80, and many improvements were made to the UNIX, TOPS-10, TOPS-20, VM/CMS, and MS/PC DOS implementations. The user manual has been fully updated, the protocol manual redone, and so forth. All this so that the May shipment could be as complete and consistent as possible, since it will be going to nearly 100 sites. Your tape includes source files and documentation, plus binaries when practical. Also included is a file called {\:A00README.TXT}, which describes the contents of the tape in more detail. That file is also enclosed, on paper, along with one copy each of the {\:IKermit Users Guide} and the {\:IKermit Protocol Manual}. The Users Guide contains installation instructions for the various implementations. Kermit is distributed free with the understanding that it will never be sold as a product. This is done in the hope that use of Kermit will become widespread enough to make communications between any two computers a real possibility rather than a pipedream. We encourage you to return any new implementations, bug fixes, or documentation to us so we can pass them along to others. The popularity of KERMIT has been far greater than we ever expected, and we have been swamped with requests. Unfortunately, we are not set up as a software distribution center; we have neither sufficient staff nor computing resources for the job. Therefore, this will be our last free shipment of Kermit. Henceforth, we will ask a donation of 100 dollars to cover the costs of media, postage, labor, and computer resources; in return, we will provide a tape in the desired format and a complete set of manuals. This will allow us to send shipments of higher quality in a more timely fashion. Meanwhile, we will seek new ways to distribute KERMIT: user groups like SHARE and DECUS, computer networks like BITNET. We also encourage you to pass KERMIT along directly to other sites that ask you about it, rather than referring them back to us. We only ask that profit not be your goal, credit be given where it is due, and that new material be sent back to us so that we can maintain a definitive and comprehensive set of KERMIT implementations. \par\vskip 20pt \hbox to size{{\hskip 3.5in}Sincerely,} \vskip 30pt \hbox to size{{\hskip 3.5in}Frank da Cruz\hss} \hbox to size{{\hskip 3.5in}Manager of DEC Systems\hss} \par\vskip 10pt {\:ISpecial note to security and military installations or contractors:}\ \ It is hoped that you will use KERMIT only for peaceful and benevolent purposes. \par\vfill \end