WESTAT DECUS SUBMISSION This directory has three subdirectories that contain PL/I and MACRO programs implemented at the Westat. Most of the programs have associated help files. Please send comments or bug reports to: Allan Jaworski Westat, Inc. l650 Research Blvd. Rockville, MD 20850 (301)-251-1500 x8645 All subdirectories have AAAREADME.TXT's. Subdirectory contents: WESLIB A collection of string, date, and i/o handling functions illustrating many VAX PL/I programming techniques. UTILITIES Disk file, tape, statistical, and system monitor utilities PLIMAC A language preprocessor similar to the IBM PL/I Optimizing Compiler preprocessor. We have used it mainly with PL/I and FORTRAN source, but it can handle nearly any language.