Programs in this directory were submitted by the Space Science Division of the Naval Research Laboratory. 1.0 MECHANIC - This detached process lowers the priority of interactive processes which accumulate mass quantities of CPU time. It is intended to persecute users who run compute bound jobs interactively, rather than submitting them as batch jobs. The way we use it, it executes every 5 minutes and lowers the priority to 3 after 10 minutes of CPU time have been accumulated, and to 2 after 20 minutes of CPU time. Processes with a SYSTEM UIC are not attacked. The execution frequency can be changed by modifying MECHANIC.COM and the CPU time thresholds and priorities can be changed by modifying MECHANIC.FOR. To install the MECHANIC, copy MECHANIC.COM and MECHANIC.EXE to some directory which has the logical name LOGICAL, for instance, and then change the command in MECHANIC.COM which runs the MECHANIC to: $ RUN LOGICAL:MECHANIC.EXE. Then, put the following command in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM: $ @LOGICAL:MECHANIC.COM 2.0 FINDUIC - This is a modified version of a program originally written by Tim Miles of TRIUMF and submitted under [VAX81B.FINDUIC]. FINDUIC searches a disk for all files owned by a specified UIC. This version provides a 2 column output which is sorted by file specification: fully qualified file specification; and file size. It calls the subroutine FSPEC, which is included. To install FINDUIC, copy FINDUIC.EXE to SYS$SYSTEM, for instance, and define a global symbol similiar to: $ FIND*UIC == "$SYS$SYSTEM:FINDUIC" To use FINDUIC: $ FIND DRA1:[g,m]/OUTPUT=ALLFILES.LIS !for example If [g,m] is not specified, the current uic is used. If /OUTPUT is not specified, output is to SYS$OUTPUT 3.0 BIGFILES - This program is a modified version of FINDUIC which searches for the 50 largest files on a disk. The parameter, 50, can be changed by changing a parameter statement in BIGFILES.MAR. BIGFILES provides a 3 column output which is sorted in descending order of file size: file size; owner uic; and fully qualified file specification. It calls the subroutine FSPEC, which is included. To install BIGFILES, copy BIGFILES.EXE to SYS$SYSTEM, for instance, and define a global symbol similiar to: $ BIG*FILES == "$SYS$SYSTEM:BIGFILES" To use BIGFILES: $ BIG DRA1:/OUTPUT=DRA1BIG.LIS !for example If /OUTPUT is not specified, output is to SYS$OUTPUT 4.0 FID2FSPEC - This is a DCL command procedure used to convert a File ID (FID) to a fully qualified file specification. It runs the image TFID2FSPC, which calls the subroutine FID2FSPEC, which calls the subroutine FSPEC. TFID2FSPC and the subroutines are all included. To install FID2FSPEC, copy FID2FSPEC.COM and TFID2FSPC.EXE to some directory which has the logical name LOGICAL, for instance, and then modify the command in FID2FSPEC.COM which runs TFID2FSPC to: $ RUN LOGICAL:TFID2FSP Define a global symbol similiar to: $ FID*2FSPEC == "@LOGICAL:FID2FSPEC" To use FID2FSPEC: $ FID DRA1: (514,92,0) !for example The corresponding file specification is output to SYS$OUTPUT. Questions about the use of these programs may be referred to: Tom Chewning Naval Research Laboratory Space Science Division Code 4105 Washington, D.C. 20375 202-767-2651