[VAX82A.TAPESUBS]AAAREADME.TXT submitted by: Thomas W. Danforth Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Mass. 02543 (617) 548-1400 ex. 2876 TAPESUBS and TRNALL are two routines which we have found very useful as user "friendly" means to use system services from a high level language. Our computer center deals with a wide variety of users, most of whom know Fortran or some other high level language fairly well and can get around on the system. Almost all of the users know nothing about the system services but need to be able to use them from time to time. Our response to this need is macro subroutines which are accessed through the standard VAX calling procedure and perform the systems service and extensive error handling and checking for the user. 1. TRNALL performs recursive logical name translation using the $TRNLOG system service. The translation continues until either the system returns a status of SS$NOTRAN or the first character in the output string is an underscore (""). The file TRNALL.DOC explains the calling sequence and the statuses which might be returned from the subroutine. 2. TAPESUBS is a group of subroutines which aid in the handling of "foreign" or non-VAX labeled tapes. At our site we have recently converted from a Xerox Sigma-7 to VAX, we also use HP computers and our users receive tapes from all kinds of computers all over the world. Our biggest problem is being able to handle the different formats and be able to read and write "foreign" tapes. These tape subroutines are a beginning answer to this problem with the ultimate goal to write a foreign tape handling version of "COPY" (maybe by the fall sysmposium). These are fairly easy to use with a minimal knowledge of the internals of the system, QIO's, ACP's, etc. They do not use the Fortran I/O system. Therefore, the user must not use the Fortran READ, WRITE, OPEN, or CLOSE statements for the device being accessed. This is applicable to other high level languages as well. Also, files accessed through these routines do not count toward the process limit of open files. TAPESUBS.DOC has the complete "how to" documentation on these routines. The routine TRNALL is required for TAPESUBS. I hope that some of the other people in VAX world find these helpful. I think the documentation should be self explanatory; however, I will be glad to answer questions if needed. Any comments and/or corrections will be welcome.