[VAX82A.BATTELLE]AAAREADME.TXT Battelle Columbus Laboratories Submissions coordinated by: Gary L. Grebus Battelle Columbus Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 (614)424-7156 This submission is a collection of small tools we have found useful. Apologies for some of the documentation. As usual, it is getting written on the day before the Symposium. A brief overview of the directories: 1. FTP is a menu driven utility for copying files over DECnet. It allows specification of file protections and ownership (if suitably privileged). It is particularly useful for doing system manager work on multiple machines connected by DECnet. 2. RETAB is yet another utility for adding and removing tabs from a file. It is run as a foreign command and can handle wildcard input files. 3. TREEDEL is a utility for deleting files, particularly directory trees. When processing a directory tree, it saves deleting the directories until last to avoid creating lost files. 4. VARY is a privileged utility for making a device unavailable for allocation. It is useful for preventing a dual ported device from mounted from two systems at once. 5. IDXDUMP is a utility for generating an unformatted dump of an INDEXF.SYS file. It extracts the most useful information into a more easily used form suitable for analysis with DATATRIEVE. 6. SMAC is a set of structured programming macros needed to assemble the other programs in this submission.