[VAX81B.WASHLUG]AAAREADME.TXT Washington DC LUG Submissions coordinated by: Joe Bingham The programs on this directory are submitted by members of the Washington, DC, Local VAX Users Group. 1. DEFAULT (on [.DEFAULT], others on [.NIH2]) A versatile substitute for typing "SET DEFAULT" and the square brackets around the directory name. 2. PLOTTER QUEUE MANAGER A package for managing a queue of requests to a special device. Required files: o PLOT.COM The user interface. Accepts commands from the world and composes proper messages for the Queue_manager. o PLOTQMAN.* The program and command files to link it. o IFERR.MAR copied directly from the spring 1981 DECUS contribution in the subdirectory NCAR. o PLOTIT.COM The command procedure which gets used by the subprocess submitted from the queue_manager. o RUNPLTQMN.COM The procedure by which the queue_manager is started. 3. Miscellaneous utilities Two subroutines which do a search and insert operation on a table of item having (one) fixed or (the other) floating keys. The subroutines are found in the files: UTL901.MAR and UTL903.MAR. Page 2 4. DISPLAY for ADM-3A and TeleVideo 920 PATCH utility command files are given which will transform the VMS version 2 DISPLAY program to enable DISPLAY to produce readable output on the Lear-Seigler ADM-3A or TeleVideo 920 terminals.