[VAX81B.BOSTONLUG]AAAREADME.TXT Boston LUG Symposium Tape Submissions coordinated by: Gary Beckmann The programs in the sub-directories of this directory are programs written by people in the Boston Area VAX Local Users Group. While the accuracy of the files can't be guarantied, all of us who submitted them use the various routines fairly regularly. A brief overview of the directories: 1. RATFOR A RATFOR preprocessor. This was written by Marty Sasaki and Gary Beckmann. While there are many RATFORs out there, this one incorporates features that are used in files in the area SPOOLING -- features that you might like to use as well. 2. SD SD presents an easier, more flexible way to SET DEFAULT. It comes to us by way of Wendy Koenig (our chairperson). There is also a command file that allows you to reset you UIC without changing you default directory. 3. SPOOLING A collection of routines from Gary Beckmann that allow one to spool a file form FORTRAN specifying all of the options that the DCL print command allows. Also some files that allow wild-card file searches from FORTRAN. 4. TREEHELP A Program that allows one to step through the system help file in a tree-like manner. This routine is from Stew Rubenstein at Harvard Chemical Labs. 5. VAXLIB A library of useful routines and documentation from Marty Sasaki. This tape doesn't have the source for these routines this time around, but watch this space.