Programs submitted by: Ira Winston Computer Science Department University of Pennsylvania 200 South 33rd Street/D2 Philadelphia, PA 19104 RERUN - RERUN types RUNOFF output files on the hardcopy terminal (Diablo, Qume, etc.) one page at time and provides commands for skipping pages, translating characters and repeating pages. To find out about RERUN, run the program and type a "?". Files - FILESTAT.OBJ FILESTAT.PLI OPENFILE.INC OPENFILE.OBJ OPENFILE.PAS RERCHARIO.OBJ RERCHARIO.PAS RERUN.COM RERUN.EXE RERUN.OBJ RERUN.PAS RUNOFF.HLP - A help file for RUNOFF (taken from the DEC Runoff manual). DEFAULT.COM - A command file for doing SET DEFAULT commands. TALK A program for two-way teleconferencing that, unlike DEC's TALK program, works on any terminal. Files - TALK.COM TALK.EXE TALK.HLP TALK.OBJ TALK.PAS TALKCHRIO.INC TALKCHRIO.OBJ TALKCHRIO.PAS TALKIODEF.PAS