This directory contains sources for the major accounting programs and command procedures developed at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute. FORTRAN sources: ACA.FOR This is an accounting file analyzer program for examining records in an ACCOUNTNG.DAT file produced by VAX/VMS. PREBILL.FOR This is the first program in the Cyclotron Institute billing system. Using ACCOUNTNG.DAT, SYSUAF.DAT, NODES.DAT, and ACCOUNTS.DAT as input, it produces permanent storage accounting files having names of the form PREBILL.mmm.yyyy (where mmm is month and yyyy is year). PRINTBILL.FOR This program prints the contents of a PREBILL.mmm.yyyy file. It is primarly a debuging tool. CHARGE.FOR This is the second and final program in the Cyclotron Institute billing system. Using PREBILL.mmm.yyyy, ACCOUNTS.DAT, GROUPS.DAT, and CHARGES.DAT, it produces usage and charges summaries (bills). BILLDEF.FOR This file describes, in FORTRAN statements, the contents of a record in a PREBILL.mmm.yyyy file. It is included in PREBILL.FOR, PRINTBILL.FOR, and CHARGE.FOR. TALLYDEF.FOR This file describes, in FORTRAN statements, the counters kept by CHARGE.FOR. It is included in CHARGE.FOR. MACRO-32 sources: SUBQUAD.MAR This file contains three subroutines which add, subtract, and extended divide quadword integers. The routines are used by the billing programs to manipulate quadword absolute and delta times. Data files: ACCOUNTS.DAT These four files are examples of the data files used CHARGES.DAT by the billing system programs as they exist at the GROUPS.DAT Texas A&M University Cyclotron Insititue. NODES.DAT Change name utilities for privileged users: FOR.MAR This program allows a user who is a member of the "right" group to do work for other users and have the billing system bill them for his/her time. FORMAYBE.COM This is a short command procedure which can be called from the login command file of any user allowed to use FOR who regularly works for other users and wishes to be prompted for those users USERNAME everytime he/she logs in. NEW.MAR This program is similar to FOR except that it does not make any changes which effect later accounting for the job. Given a USERNAME, this program switches the UIC, default device, and default directory to those belonging to that USERNAME. System data structures include files: ACCDEF.FOR This file describes, in FORTRAN statements, the contents of a record in ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It was produced by MAKPRMFIL.COM using macro $ACCDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB as input. It is for VAX/VMS version 1.6. UAFDEF.FOR This file describes, in FORTRAN statements, the contents of a record is SYSUAF.DAT. It was produced by MAKPRMFIL.COM using macro $UAFDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB as input. It is for VAX/VMS version 1.6. MAKPRMFIL.COM This command procedure produces files like ACCDEF.FOR and UAFDEF.FOR using the macros in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB as input. It is included here so that new versions of the above files can be created for future releases of VMS. Add accounts command procedures: ADDUSERS.COM These two command procedures are used at the Cyclotron BASEADAC.COM Institute to add new users to the system. ADDUSERS.COM calls BASEADAC.COM. ADDSYSDIR.COM This command procedure is used at the Cyclotron Institute to add directories (and accounts) for new system projects to the system. Questions about these files should be addressed to: Ralph O. Weber Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute College Station, TX 77843 713 - 845-1411