RSX/PC/VAX Tape Spring 1988 ========== ==== This tape is a collection of useful programs from the RSX, PC, and VAX SIGs compiled from material submitted at the Spring 1988 DECUS US Symposium in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a separate DECUS Library item from the VAX SIG tapes due to the aggregate size of the distributions. Both items together contain the complete Spring 1988 VAX collection; this item also contains the Spring 1988 RSX collection. [VAX88A4...] Directory Tree [.SOFTWARE_TOOLS] Software Tools User Group multinetwork mailer, in C, last PD version. Does multinetwork, store/forward mail and gateways, and has its own user interface if desired (much more powerful/complete than VAX Mail). [.TECOC] Complete rewrite of TECO in C for VMS. [.PCSIG_DECUS] Large collection of MS-DOS and CP/M utilities contributed by the DECUS PC SIG. Many for Rainbow but many for IBM PC or generic MS-DOS or CP/M also. RSX88A Tape directories Submitter [UIC] Contents ---------- --------- ------------------------------------- Alan Frisbie [265,20] MCE Command Line Editor from Hans Hamakers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Alan Frisbie [373,310] Files-11 ODS1 & ODS2 specifications, including RMS-11 Internals manual. Thomas Wyant [351,144] LBC - Logical Block Copy (disk-file, disk-disk, file-file). Thomas Wyant [351,145] TEM - Terminal Emulator. L.M. Cartwright [300,201] 11M+ Queueing & Routing Software. William Crocker [300,210] LZYCLI - Command-line recall/edit and VMS-style symbols. Frank Borger [311,*] LN03 control, COOKIE, DAMMIT, and other sayings; ECR - Command-line editing for IAS.