From: MERC::"uunet!!fdc" 24-FEB-1993 16:02:54.41 To: galaxy::gleeve CC: Subj: Kermit catalog (ascii) THE KERMIT COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE CATALOG Columbia University Academic Information Systems February 1993 Kermit is the low-cost, high-quality alternative to expensive commercial communication software. Kermit software incorporates Columbia University's error-correcting Kermit protocol for transferring text and binary files between computers of all sizes. It is well documented and in wide use; it is available for about 400 different computers and operating systems, written in a wide variety of programming languages. Source code is available for all versions. Kermit software works over direct or dialed serial connections, and in many cases also over local and wide area networks. For file transfer to take place, a Kermit program runs on each end of the connection, one on each computer. The most popular Kermit software programs are described below. The complete collection is listed afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS Kermit MS-DOS Kermit 3.12 runs on the entire IBM PC and PS/2 families and compatibles under MS-DOS versions 2.0 through 5.0. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows as well as other PC operating environments such as Quarterdeck DesqView and IBM OS/2. MS-DOS Kermit is packaged on diskette with the second edition of the book "Using MS-DOS Kermit" by Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press (1992). Useful utilities (printer drivers, key mapping files, Cyrillic code page and key maps), are available on a separate diskette. MS-DOS Kermit's terminal emulations include DEC VT320 and VT220 (international models), VT102, VT100, VT52, and Heath/Zenith-19, plus Tektronix 4014 and Sixel graphics. Terminal emulation features include screen rollback, capture, copy, and print; key mapping and macros; color text and graphics; printer control; support for different screen sizes. File transfer features include long packets, sliding windows, and international character-set conversion for Western European languages, Cyrillic, and Japanese. Automation features include command macros, command files, and a powerful, easy-to-use script programming language. Serial connections are supported for COM1-COM4 at speeds up to at least 57,600 bps; RTS/CTS hardware flow control is available for use with high-speed modems. Automatic modem dialing scripts are available for Hayes, Telebit, and other modems, and there is an easy-to-use dialing directory. Network support includes TCP/IP (built-in), AT&T StarLAN / StarGROUP, DEC PATHWORKS, IBM NETBIOS, IBM LANACS, Novell NASI/NACS, Novell LWP TELAPI, 3COM BAPI, Intel OpenNET, Ungermann Bass Net/One, Interconnections TES, as well as BIOS Interrupt 14 support for externally-established network connections. TCP/IP connections require a packet driver (Ethernet or SLIP class) or an ODI driver, and can coexist with Novell IPX connections. Packet-driver support works with both DOS and Windows; ODI support works only with DOS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-Kermit C-Kermit 5A is the Kermit software for UNIX, VAX/VMS, OpenVMS VAX and AXP, IBM OS/2, Data General AOS/VS, Microware OS-9, the Commodore Amiga, and the Atari ST. It supports advanced Kermit file transfer capabilities including sliding windows and long packets; terminal connection (the OS/2 version also includes built-in VT102 emulation); international character-set conversion for both file transfer and terminal connection; and communications features such as key mapping and keystroke macros, automatic dialing, a dialing directory, TCP/IP and other network support in the UNIX, VMS, and AOS/VS versions, and a powerful script programming language. C-Kermit software comes with the book "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press (1993), a step-by-step introduction and a comprehensive reference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Mainframe Kermit IBM mainframe Kermit Version 4.2 for VM/CMS, MVS/TSO, CICS, and MUSIC supports advanced Kermit protocol features including long packets and international character sets, and it works with a wide variety of communication processors in linemode and protocol converters in fullscreen mode. The program is distributed in IBM 370 assembly language source-code form with complete online instructions for building and using. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kermit Protocol Specification The Kermit protocol specification, complete with C-language programming examples, is given in the book "Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol" by Frank da Cruz, Digital Press (1987), which also includes an overview of what Kermit is for and how it works, with tutorials in computer file systems and data communications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KERMIT VERSIONS: LISTED BY MACHINE AND OPERATING SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prefix, Operating Program Program Released Tape Machine System Language Version yy/mm/dd CK F (various) 4.1-3 BSD C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) 4.4 BSD/A C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) POSIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) QNX 4.1 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) UNIX SIII C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) UNIX SVR2 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F (various) UNIX SVR4 C 5A188 92/11/23 TRI C (various) TRIPOS BCPL - 87/07/10 TD C (various) TurboDOS ASM - 92/10/29 FLX C (various 6809) Flex 9 6809 Asm - 86/04/17 UF C (various 6809) UniFLEX C 1.4 89/02/02 OS9 C (various 6809) OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 CK F (various 68000) OS-9 C 5A188 92/11/23 OS9 C (various 68000) OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 CP A (various 808x) CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A (various 808x) CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MS A (various 80x86) MS-DOS MASM 3.12 92/09/30 CP A Access Matrix CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 BBC C Acorn BBC B OS1.20 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 BBC C Acorn BBC B+,128 OS 2 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 CP A Acorn BBC CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 BBC C Acorn Compact OS 3 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 BBC C Acorn Compact Panos C 4C 57 87/07/14 BBC C Acorn Master 128 OS 3 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 AC C AcornWorkstation PANOS C - 87/07/13 MS A ACT Apricot MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/05/12 CP A Action Discovery CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 AM C Alpha Micro 68K AMOSL 1.2 AM68K Asm 1.0 85/02/11 CK F Altos ACS68000 UNIX III,V C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Amdahl Mainframe UTSV, SVR2 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Amstrad CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 APO C Apollo Aegis Pascal 2.9 89/05/07 CK F Apollo/HP SR10.0 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Apple II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 APP A Apple II DOS,ProDOS CROSS 3.87 90/12/05 UCA C Apple II UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal 1.0 86/04/08 CK F Apple Macintosh AU/X C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Apple Macintosh Mac OS MPW C 0.940 88/05/26 CN8 C Argos Pro PC CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CK F AT&T 3B Series UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F AT&T 6300 PLUS UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F AT&T 6386 WGS UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F AT&T 7300 UNIXPC UNIX Sys V C 5A188 92/11/23 ATA C Atari Home Comp. DOS Action! - 84/01/09 UCP C Atari MEGA ST2 UCSD p-Sys Pascal 1.1 90/08/05 CK F Atari ST GEMDOS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Atari ST MINIX ST C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A BigBoard II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 B78 D Burroughs A-Ser. MCS/AS Algol 1.019 86/09/11 CT C Burroughs B20 BTOS C 2.00 93/01/20 B68 D Burroughs B6800 CANDE Algol - 85/02/15 B78 D Burroughs B7800 Burroughs Algol 1.019 86/09/11 B79 D Burroughs B7900 Burroughs Algol 5.2 85/11/27 CD3 D CDC Cyber NOS Fortran 5 3.4 88/05/10 CYB D CDC Cyber NOS 2.2 Compass 1.0 86/04/17 NOS D CDC Cyber NOS 2.4 Compass 1.30 87/05/19 CDC D CDC Cyber 170 NOS,NOS/BE Fortran-77 2.2 84/09/07 CK F CDC Cyber 910 IRIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Charles River UNOS C 5A188 92/11/23 CIE C CIE 680/XX REGULUS C - 87/01/26 CP A Cifer 1886 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Cifer 1886 CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Comart Communica CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 C64 C Commodore 64 FORTH FORTH 1.5 85/02/08 C64 C Commodore 64/128 DOS CROSS 2.27 92/09/30 CK F Commodore Amiga 3000UX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Commodore Amiga Intuition C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Commodore Amiga UNIX SVR4 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Compupro IF 3/4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CVK D Computervision CGOS Fortran S 1.21 87/03/04 PER D Concurrent 3200 OS/32 MT72 Fortran 1.0 87/03/04 CK F Concurrent 3200 Xelos SV C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Concurrent 6xxx RTU 4,5,6 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Convergent CTIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CT C Convergent NGEN CTOS C 2.00 93/01/20 CK F Convex ConvexOS C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A CPT-85xx CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F Cray X/MP, Y/MP UNICOS 6,7 C 5A188 92/11/23 CR D Cray-1,Cray-XMP CTSS Fortran-77 - 85/02/08 CP A Cromemco CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CN8 C Daisy PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CK F DEC Alpha AXP OpenVMS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DEC Alpha AXP OSF/1 C 5A188 92/11/23 K12 D DEC LINC-8 OS/8 Fam. PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 K12 D DEC PDP-8 OS/8 Fam. PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 CK F DEC PDP-11 2.1x BSD C 5A188 92/11/23 K11 B DEC PDP-11 IAS 3.1 Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 MP B DEC PDP-11 MUMPS-11 MUMPS-1982 - 84/04/11 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RSTS/E Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RSX-11/M,+ Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RT-11 Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 K11 B DEC PDP-11 TSX+ Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 K12 D DEC PDP-12 OS/12 Fam. PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 K11 B DEC Pro-3xx P/OS Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 K11 B DEC Pro-3xx Pro/RT Macro-11 3.60 89/06/13 C86 C DEC Rainbow CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 MS A DEC Rainbow MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 QNX C DEC Rainbow QNX 1.x C 1.0 85/09/23 CK F DEC VAX 4.xBSD C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DEC VAX (Open)VMS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DEC VAX ULTRIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DEC VAX UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 VMS B DEC VAX VMS Bliss,Macro 33128 91/01/04 MS A DEC VAXmate MS-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 CK F DEC VAXstation (Open)VMS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DEC VAXstation ULTRIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A DEC VT-180 Robin CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 K12 D DEC VT-78 OS/8 Fam. PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 K12 D DEC VT-278 OS/78 V4 PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 K12 D DECmate I OS/78 V4 PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 K12 D DECmate II,III OS/278 V2 PAL-8 10g 90/09/13 CP A DECmate-II,III CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MS A DECmate-II,III MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 CK F DECstation OSF/1 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F DECstation ULTRIX C 5A188 92/11/23 K10 D DECsystem-10 TOPS-10 Bliss, Macro 3.134 89/09/18 K20 D DECSYSTEM-20 TOPS-20 MACRO-20 4.2 88/01/25 CK F Dell PC Dell UNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Delphi 100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 RD2 D DG 800 RDOS BASIC - 87/03/26 CK F DG AViiON DG/UX C 5A188 92/11/23 AOS D DG MV AOS,AOS/VS SP/Pascal - 85/02/08 CK F DG MV AOS/VS,-II C 5A188 92/11/23 DGM D DG MV AOS/VSMVUX C - 85/11/27 RDO D DG Nova RDOS Fortran-5 - 84/09/14 AOS D DG S250 AOS Fortran-5 - 84/09/14 CK F DIAB DS90 DNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Dolphin Triton UNIX SV/88 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Encore 88K UMAX V C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Encore Multimax UMAX 4.x C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Encore Multimax UMAX V C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Epson PX8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 LUX C FACIT DTC/DTC2 ABC-DOS ABC-BASIC-II 4.11 90/07/13 CN8 C Fallon 2000 CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CP A Ferguson BigB.I CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F Fortune 32:16 For:Pro2.1 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F FPS 500 FPX 4.1 C 5A188 92/11/23 CN8 C FTS PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 C86 C Fujitsu Micro16s CPM86 ASM86 2.9 85/09/23 C86 C Future FX20/FX30 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 GEC D GEC 4000 Series OS4000 MUM/SERC 3.9 89/05/07 OS9 C Gimex III OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 GM2 D Gould/SEL 32 MPX-32 Fortran 77+ 2.3 86/12/10 GM3 D Gould/SEL 32 MPX-32 Fortran 77+ 2.3 90/11/12 MS A GRiD Compass II MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 H8 D Harris 800 VOS Pascal,Asm - 85/02/11 H1 D Harris H100-1 VOS 4.1.1 Fortran-77 1.06 88/03/17 CK F Harris NightHawk CX/UX 6.1 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Heath H8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Heath/Zenith-100 CPM85 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MS A Heath/Zenith-100 MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 CP A Heath/Zenith-89 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MU D Honeywell MULTICS PL/I 2.0h 84/09/20 HD6 D Honeywell DPS6 GCOS6 3.1 C 2.01 91/06/03 HD6 D Honeywell DPS6 GCOS6 4.0 C 2.01 91/06/03 HG D Honeywell DPS66 GCOS3,8 C 3.0 84/10/05 HC6 D Honeywell DPS8 CP-6 PL/6 1.00 88/01/28 HCP D Honeywell DPS8 CP-6 Pascal - 85/04/04 HDP D Honeywell DPS8 GCOS/TSS B 1.1 85/03/21 HG D Honeywell DPS8 GCOS3,8 C 3.0 84/10/05 HC6 D Honeywell DPS90 CP-6 PL/6 1.00 88/01/28 HCP D Honeywell DPS90 CP-6 Pascal - 85/04/04 HL6 C Honeywell L6/10 MS-DOS MASM 1.20A 84/10/05 MS A HP Portable Plus MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 HPM D HP-1000 RTE6, RTEA F77 & Asm 1.99D 90/01/09 MS A HP-110, 150 MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 CP A HP-125 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 HP2 C HP-264x - 8080ASM 1.2 87/10/09 HP3 D HP-3000 MPE SPL - 91/10/21 CK F HP-9000 HP-UX C 5A188 92/11/23 HPB C HP-9000/200,/300 HP-BASIC HP BASIC 1.02 89/06/21 CK F HP-9836CU HP-UX C 5A188 92/11/23 HP9 C HP-9845 BASIC/SAM HP BASIC 1.00 86/10/07 HP9 C HP-98xx UCSD p-Sys HP Pascal - 84/01/20 HP8 C HP86 HP-BASIC HP BASIC 1.01 87/04/29 HP8 C HP87 HP-BASIC HP BASIC 1.01 87/04/29 IK B IBM 370 Series CICS/MVS Assembler 4.2.4 92/09/30 IK B IBM 370 Series CICS/VSE Assembler 4.2.4 92/09/30 MT2 D IBM 370 Series MTS PLUS - 86/11/03 MTS D IBM 370 Series MTS Assembler - 84/01/06 MTS D IBM 370 Series MTS Pascal 1.0 84/01/06 IK B IBM 370 Series MUSIC Assembler 4.2.3 92/09/30 GUT D IBM 370 Series MVS/GUTS Assembler - 85/04/05 IK B IBM 370 Series MVS/ROSCOE Assembler 4.2.4 92/09/30 IK B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO Assembler 4.2.4 92/09/30 TS2 B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO Pascal/VS,.. 2.3 87/10/01 TSN B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO ALP/Assem 1.1A 87/09/17 IK B IBM 370 Series MVSXA/TSOE Assembler 4.2.4 92/09/30 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/ESA/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/HPO/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/IS/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/SP/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/XA/CMS Assembler 4.2.5 92/12/23 MS A IBM compatibles MS-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 CS9 C IBM CS9000 CSOS Pascal - 92/09/10 CK F IBM Mainframe AIX 1.2 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM Mainframe AIX/ESA2.1 C 5A188 92/11/23 UCI C IBM PC UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal 0.1 84/05/23 CC C IBM PC + clones ChineseDOS MASM 2.32A 91/09/09 MX B IBM PC family MINIX C 4D 61 88/05/17 TP4 C IBM PC family PC-DOS Turbo Pascal 1.1a 88/04/15 QK C IBM PC,XT,AT PC-DOS Turbo Pascal 3.1 88/12/14 QNX C IBM PC,XT,AT QNX 1.x C 1.0 85/09/23 MS A IBM PC,XT,AT,jr PC-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 PIC D IBM PC/XT,AT PICK DATA/BASIC 0.3 89/08/21 CK F IBM PS/2 AIX 1.2 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM PS/2 OS/2 1.3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM PS/2 OS/2 2.00 C 5A188 92/11/23 MS A IBM PS/2 Series PC-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 CK F IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.x C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM RT PC 4.3BSDReno C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM RT PC ACIS 4.x C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F IBM RT PC AIX 2.x C 5A188 92/11/23 VME D ICL 2900 VME S3 1.01 87/07/14 CK F ICL DRS3000,6000 DRS/NX C 5A188 92/11/23 CN8 C ICL PC 2,Quattro CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 87/05/17 PQ C ICL/Perq Perq OS Pascal 2.0 84/12/04 CK F Integr.Solu.VS8 ISI 4.2BSD C 5A188 92/11/23 MS A Intel 300 Series iRMX-286 MASM/ASM86 2.30 88/05/02 CK F Intel 302 Bell Tech C 5A188 92/11/23 RMX C Intel 86,286 RMX 1.0 PL/M 1.0 85/10/25 I86 C Intel 86/380 iRMX-86 PL/M 2.3 85/09/23 IRM C Intel 86/380 iRMX-86 PL/M 2.41 87/03/04 MD C Intel MDS ISIS PL/M - 87/04/06 CK F IntergraphClipperCLIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Ithaca Intersys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 UCJ C J LoeblMagiscan2 UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal - 86/06/23 CP A Kaypro 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Kaypro II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M2 C Lilith Worksta. Medos Modula-2 1.0 87/05/17 LM C LMI Lispmachine LMI-LAMBDA ZETALISP 1.0 85/09/12 CP A Lobo Max-80 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 LUX C Luxor ABC-80 ABC-DOS Z80 Asm 1.0 90/07/13 LUX C Luxor ABC-80x ABC-DOS ABC-BASIC-II 4.11 90/07/13 LUX C Luxor ABC-80x UFD-DOS ABC-BASIC-II 4.11 90/07/13 CK F Luxor ABC-9000 DNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 MBF D MAI Basic Four BOSS/VS BASIC BB86 1.0 88/04/11 CK F Masscomp RTU 4.0+ C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Merlin M2215 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 PIC D MicroDataREALITY PICK DATA/BASIC 0.3 89/08/21 CP A Micromint SB180 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F MIPS System RISC/os C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Modcomp 9730 Real/IX C 5A188 92/11/23 MOD D Modcomp Classic MAX IV Fortran/ASM A.0 87/01/26 CK F Modcomp Realstar Real/IX C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A MorrowDecisionI CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A MorrowMicroDecI CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 FL C Motorola 6809 Flex Assembler - 86/02/14 FL2 C Motorola 6809 FLEX-09 C 3.0 87/03/04 CK F Motorola Delta SV/68 R3x C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Motorola Delta SV/88 R3,4 C 5A188 92/11/23 MS A MS Windows x.x MS/PC-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 WIN C MS Windows 2.x MS/PC-DOS Microsoft C 4.11 90/01/19 WK A MS Windows 3.0 MS/PC-DOS Microsoft C - 91/10/19 NCR D NCR 9800-4 VE4.0 C 4E 72 90/07/13 CP A NCR Decisionmate CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F NCR System 3000 UNIX SVR4 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F NCR Tower 1632 UNIX SVR2 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F NCR Tower 32 UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 C86 C NEC APC CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 MS A NEC APC MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 MS A NEC APC III MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/03/21 MS A NEC PC9801 MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/04/18 CK F NeXT NeXT OS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Nixdorf Targon31 TOS C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Nokia MikroMikko CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 ND D Norsk Data 10,.. SintranIII ND-Pascal 3.1b 85/06/24 CK F Norsk Data 88/17 UNIX SV/88 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Northstar CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Ohio Scientific CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F OkiStation 7300 UNIX SVR4 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Olivetti CP 486 UNIX SVR4 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Olivetti LSX30xx X/OS C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Olivetti PCs SCO UNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 MS A Olivetti PCs MS-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 CN8 C Orion PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CP A Osborne 1 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 UCM C PascalMicroengin UCSD p-Sys Pascal III.0 84/12/03 MS A PC/8088 & higher MS-DOS MASM, C 3.12 92/09/30 CK F PC/286 & higher Microport C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/286 & higher SCO Xenix C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher 386BSD C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher BSDI/386 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher Coherent C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher ESIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher InteractiveC 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher Linux/386 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher Microport C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher MINIX/386 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher MtXinuMach C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher OS/2 1.x C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher OS/2 2.0 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher SCO ODT C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher SCO UNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F PC/386 & higher Solaris C 5A188 92/11/23 UCP C Pecan UCSD p-Sys Pascal 1.1 90/08/05 PER D PerkinElmer 3200 OS/32 MT72 Fortran 1.0 87/03/04 CK F PerkinElmer 3200 Xelos SV C 5A188 92/11/23 PE7 D PerkinElmer 7000 IDRIS C 1.1 0 86/12/08 CP A PMC Micromate101 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 PRI D Prime PRIMOS R2x PL/P 8.14 92/02/12 CK F Pyramid 9810x(T) OSx C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Rair Black Box CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A RM380ZF, ZM CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 RM C RML 480Z ROS 2.x C 1.22 86/11/03 RM C RML Nimbus MS-DOS? C 1.22 86/11/03 CP A Sanyo 1100 MBC CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MS A Sanyo 550 MBC MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/05/16 CP A ScreenTyper CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F Sequent DYNIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Sequent DYNIX/ptx C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Silicon Graphics IRIX C 5A188 92/11/23 QL2 C Sinclair QL QDOS BCPL - 87/05/15 QLK C Sinclair QL QDOS C 1.10 87/05/15 CK F Solbourne OS/MP C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Sony NEWS NEWS-OS C 5A188 92/11/23 UN D Sperry 1100 Exec Assembler 2.5 86/09/03 UN D Sperry 1100 Exec NOSC Pascal 2.0 84/10/08 CK F Sperry 5000 UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Sperry 5000 UTS V C 5A188 92/11/23 SP9 D Sperry 90/60 VS9 Assembler - 86/04/09 CK F Stardent 1520 UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Sun, all models Solaris C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Sun, all models SunOS 3,4 C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Superbrain CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 LM C Symbolics 36xx Lisp ZETALISP 1.0 85/09/12 TAN D Tandem Nonstop Guardian TAL 1.0 86/04/08 TA1 C Tandy 100 Tandy 100 BASIC 1984 90/10/07 TA2 C Tandy 2000 MS-DOS MASM 1.20 84/02/16 CK F Tandy Model 16 Xenix 3.0 C 5A188 92/11/23 C86 C Tektronix 4170 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 CK F Tektronix 4xxx UTek C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Tektronix 6130 UTek C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F Tektronix XD88 UTek C 5A188 92/11/23 CP A Telcon Zorba CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Teletek CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 UCT C Terak UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal - 84/04/11 TI9 D TI 990 DX10 Pascal 1.0 87/07/10 EXP C TI Explorer LISP Common Lisp 1.0 87/03/04 MS A TI Professional MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 CP A Torch Unicorn 5 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CK F Tri Star Flash ESIX C 5A188 92/11/23 CO C TRS-80 CoCo DOS EDTASM 1.1 85/03/21 OS9 C TRS-80 CoCo OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 TRS C TRS-80 I and III TRSDOS M80 3.5 84/08/08 CP A TRS-80 Model 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 M4 C TRS-80 Model 4 TRSDOS ASM 5.2 86/10/29 CP A TRS-80 Model II CPM80 2.25 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 TR2 C TRS-80 Model II TRSDOS Assembler 1.2 87/03/26 UM C UMicro U-MAN1000 CP/M-68K C and Asm - 86/04/10 CK F UNISYS 5000 UNIX SVR3 C 5A188 92/11/23 CK F UNISYS 5000 UTS V C 5A188 92/11/23 UAS D UNISYS A-Series MCS/AS Algol 1.041 90/07/13 CP A USmicroSalesS100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 PIC D VAX/Ultimate PICK DATA/BASIC 0.3 89/08/21 CP A Vector Graphics CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 C86 C Victor/Sirius 1 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/07/07 MS A Victor/Sirius 1 MS-DOS MASM 3.10 91/03/18 CP A Video Genie CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 MS A Wang PC, APC MS-DOS MASM 2.31 88/08/13 CP A Xerox 820 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 CP A Z80MUdevelpmtSys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.11 91/04/23 KERMIT DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Kermit software is distributed by Columbia University on magnetic tape, tape cartridges, and certain diskette formats. Tapes and cartridges include all source code and supporting files in machine-readable form for each Kermit implementation, and in some cases also binaries (encoded in hex or other printable format, with appropriate decoding software supplied). Kermit software programs are collected on six reel-to-reel 9-track tapes: A, B, C, D, E, F, and T. The programs are assigned to tapes A-F as shown in the second column of the Kermit version list as follows: Tape A has the MS-DOS, CP/M-80, and Apple II versions. Tape B has the IBM mainframe and DEC PDP-11 versions. Tape F has C-Kermit. Tape C has other miscellaneous microcomputer, PC, and workstation versions. Tape D has other miscellaneous minicomputer and mainframe versions. Tape T has the latest test versions, if any. Tape E contains machine-readable copies of the Kermit protocol manual, various other manuals, articles, the Info-Kermit Digest, newsletters, and other general documents. Tapes and cartridges are available in these formats: ANSI: ANSI labeled ASCII, format D (variable length records), blocksize 8192. 9-track, half-inch, reel-to-reel, 1600 bpi. Readable by many computer systems, including VAX/VMS. TAR: UNIX TAR format, blocksize 10240, 9-track, 1600 bpi. OS: IBM OS standard labeled EBCDIC, format VB (variable length records), blocksize 8192, 9-track, 1600 bpi, for MVS, CMS, and other mainframe systems. IBM VM/CMS users should order the OS format and use one of the included tape-reading programs to read the tape on a CMS system; printed instructions are included with the OS tape. TK50: TK50 tape cartridge for the DEC MicroVAX. VMS BACKUP format. Also readable by TK70. Each TK50 cassette holds several Kermit tape sets: A, B, and E; or C, D, T and E. QIC: UNIX TAR-format quarter-inch tape cartridge. Readable on Sun computers, IBM RS/6000, and many others. Several tape sets per cartridge, as for TK50. 8MM: EXABYTE 8-millimeter cassette. Several tape sets per cassette, as for TK50. Diskettes formats are 5.25-inch 360K and 3.5-inch 720K. NEWS AND UPDATES The newsletter Kermit News is mailed free of charge to all our Kermit customers about once a year to bring news of Kermit software releases and related developments. Ordering any Kermit material from us automatically adds you to the subscriber list. We do not have the resources to send automatic software updates. Use the order form in Kermit News to obtain new versions of the Kermit software, or call +1 212 854-3703 for inquiries. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Kermit software--including source code--is furnished without warranty of any kind, and neither Columbia University, nor the individual authors or publishers, nor any institution that has contributed Kermit material, acknowledge any liability for any claims arising from the use of Kermit. Since source code is available for all implementations, users may fix bugs and make improvements, and are encouraged to contribute their work back to Columbia for further distribution. Kermit software may be ordered by private individuals, corporations, academic or government institutions, and other organizations for their own internal use, but the software may not be resold or otherwise redistributed to external clients, customers, or contractors without written permission of the Manager of Kermit Development and Distribution at Columbia University. Contact us for further information (see Side 2 of the Order Form for address and telephone number). TO ORDER FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, fill out and return the enclosed order form. PREPAYMENT is encouraged; an additional ORDER PROCESSING FEE is required if we must issue an invoice. Orders are shipped by delivery service or US mail, normally within 2-4 weeks of receipt, but firm delivery schedules or methods cannot be guaranteed. Prices are in US dollars and include shipping costs. When two prices are shown (like $100 / $135), the first price applies to the USA, Canada, and Mexico and the second price is for shipments to other countries (exception: if you can supply with your UPS, FedEx, or DHL account number, then pay the first price). Rush service is available for an extra fee. Call +1 212 854-3703 for additional ordering information. Telephone and Fax orders are accepted if payment is by Master Card or Visa. Use the enclosed order form for Fax orders, and be sure to include your signature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KERMIT ORDER FORM: Prices, terms, and items are subject to change. If this form is dated more than 6 months prior, please contact us for new information. Please order carefully since we CANNOT refund or exchange items. Prices are in US dollars ($), first price for North America / second price for shipping outside North America (unless you pay shipping). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE. Price: $100 / $135 per tape: ANSI TAR OS ANSI TAR OS ANSI TAR OS Tape A: [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape C: [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape C: [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape B: [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape D: [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape C: [ ] [ ] [ ] 9-TRACK TAPE SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAPE CARTRIDGES. Price: $150 / $185. 8MM QIC TK50 Contents of Tapes A, B, and E: [ ] [ ] [ ] Contents of Tapes C, D, T and E: [ ] [ ] [ ] TAPE CARTRIDGE SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS KERMIT IBM PC/PS2 MS-DOS Kermit software with book "Using MS-DOS Kermit", $34.95 / $45 [ ] 5.25-inch [ ] 3.5-inch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ IBM PC/PS2 MS-DOS Kermit utilities: $35 / $40: [ ] 5.25-inch [ ] 3.5-inch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ MS-DOS IBM PC/PS2 Kermit source code, $60 / $68: [ ] 5.25-inch [ ] 3.5-inch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ Crynwr (formerly Clarkson) packet drivers. For the IBM PC family on MS-DOS diskettes: Binaries and Docs, $35 / $40: [ ] 5.25-inch [ ] 3.5-inch . . $__________ Source Code, $60 / $68: [ ] 5.25-inch [ ] 3.5-inch . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-KERMIT 5A, includes book "Using C-Kermit": [ ] 9-Track Tape, $135 / $170, Format: [ ] ANSI, [ ] TAR, [ ] DG DUMPFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] TK50 cartridge, DEC VMS / OpenVMS BACKUP format, $185 / $220 . $__________ [ ] Quarter-Inch Cartridge (QIC), UNIX tar format, $185 / $220 . . $__________ [ ] 8mm EXABYTE cartridge, UNIX tar format, $185 / $220 . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Source code on DOS-format diskettes, $100 / $115: [ ] 5.25-inch, [ ] 3.5-inch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ Binaries on DOS-format diskettes, "Using C-Kermit" book included, $45 / $50 eac 3.5" 5.25" [ ] [ ] C-Kermit for OS/2 1.xx, 16-bit . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] [ ] C-Kermit for OS/2 2.00, 32-bit . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] [ ] C-Kermit for OS-9/68000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] [ ] C-Kermit for Commodore Amiga . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] [ ] C-Kermit for Atari ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACINTOSH KERMIT [ ] Mac Kermit 0.9(40) 1988 release, 3.5-inch, $25 / $30 . . . . . $__________ [ ] Mac Kermit 0.99(???) latest prerelease, 3.5-inch, $25 / $30 . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITERATURE [ ] Book: "Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol:" $29.95 / $35 . . . . $__________ [ ] Book: "Using C-Kermit" (without software): $34.95 / $45 . . . . $__________ [ ] Book: "Using MS-DOS Kermit:" $34.95 / $45 . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Technical paper, Recent Kermit Protocol Extensions: $15 / $25 . $__________ Kermit Digest volumes, $15 / $25 per year: [ ] This year [ ] Last 2 years [ ] Last 3 years [ ] Last 4 yrs $__________ Manuals for Kermit programs: $10 / $13 each: [ ] IBM 370 [ ] Apple II [ ] PDP-11 [ ] CP/M-80 . . . $__________ SIDE 1 SUBTOTAL (please complete side 2 also) . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KERMIT ORDER FORM, SIDE 2 Shipping by UPS or post is included in the price. Please do not add sales tax. SUBTOTAL from Side 1: . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Voluntary tax-deductible donation (help support the Kermit effort) : . . . . . $__________ USA, CANADA, AND MEXICO ONLY: [ ] For PRIORITY HANDLING and NEXT-DAY SHIPMENT, add $30: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ A. TOTAL MATERIALS, DONATION, AND SHIPPING: . . . . . . . . . . . $_________ Please complete ONE of the numbered sections, 1-3, and then fill in your shipping information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD [ ] MasterCard [ ] VisaAMOUNT OF YOUR PAYMENT (Line A above): $__________ Card Number _________________________________ Expiration Date _______________ Signature ___________________________________ Today's Date __________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. PREPAYMENT BY CHECK Please enclose a check for the total amount, payable in US dollars. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ELECTRONIC BANK TRANSFERS OR SEND INTERNATIONAL POSTAL COUPONS. Make your check payable to: Columbia University Kermit Distribution If your check is not drawn on a US bank, please add a $35 check-cashing fee: TOTAL AMOUNT OF YOUR CHECK: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. PURCHASE ORDERS B. Amount from Line A above: $__________ C. Add $25 order processing fee: $__________ D. If your check will not be drawn on a US bank, add $35 check-cashing fee: TOTAL, Lines B, C, and D. Please enclose your purchase order for this amount: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIPPING INFORMATION (Do not use PO Box for UPS, DHL, or Federal Express): Name:_____________________________________ Organization:_______________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________State or Province:_______________________________ Zip or Postal Code:_____________________________ Phone:________________________ Country:_______________________________________________________________________ If you want us to use your delivery service, please provide your account number and your signature: [ ] UPS ________________________ [ ] Federal Express ______________________ [ ] DHL ________________________ Signature _________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIL YOUR COMPLETED ORDER FORM TO: Kermit Distribution, Department OP Columbia University Academic Information Systems 612 West 115th Street New York, NY 10025-7721 USA Phone: +1 212 854-3703, FAX: +1 212 662-6442, E-Mail: Sorry, we can't respond by FAX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you!