Antivirals This area contains antiviral programs for PC and Mac obtained from major Internet sites by your librarian, plus some text files in this directory from, the CERT machine, giving advice on generic systems security issues. While the CERT machine offers packages like COPS and crack, these have appeared on prior sig tapes and have not been updated at this time since they last appeared in these collections. The TCP filtering software appears elsewhere in this collection. While these antiviral agents work against many viruses, new viruses for PC and Mac are appearing constantly and many of these packages work by recognizing key strings in viruses. Please be aware they offer partial protection only. See the *.FAQ file in the PC area for further discussion. These antivirals are of recent vintage and therefore are likely to be effective at catching any viruses in wide circulation as of this date. They are offered in the hope of helping those who lack good net connections to improve the safety of their PC operations.