Enclosed are the patches for g++ 1.39.0 on VMS. The first step should be for you to upgrade GCC with the gcc-vms.tar.Z binaries package available on prep.ai.mit.edu. The compiler driver, preprocessor, and assembler have all of the required patches to be used with g++ 1.39.0. These files also contain all of the patches required for libg++ 1.37.1. There are compiler bugs in the g++ #pragma implementation/interface in version 1.39.0, which prevent successful compilation of libg++ 1.39.0. Version 1.37.1 of libg++ does not use these directives, and should work correctly. g++ 1.39 uses a slightly different convention for telling a destructor whether the memory needs to be deallocated or not (i.e. was it malloced or not), so libraries compiled with 1.37.1 or earlier should be recompiled. I have also upgraded the gcc-cc1plus.exe on mango.miami.edu for those that don't wish to build the compiler themselves. makefile.vms and make-cc1plus.com have also been upgraded to reflect new source files in g++ 1.39.0. There are three patches to the compiler supplied here. These are all relatively minor changes, and they are all described in the [.cc1plus]readme. file. The file tm-vms.h in the GCC sources now contains the line: #define NO_DOLLAR_IN_LABEL This fixes the problem where the compiler complains about variables that start with a dollar sign (e.g. the $$PsectAttribute hack for stdin, stdout, stderr).