Miscellaneous things from Glenn Everhart [.misc91b] More net material including Ada lex/yacc, archie client, a unix BASIC interpreter, COPS unix security package, CRACK (fast crack unix password files and report), university Ingres DBMS, Paascal->C, VMS ZIP, squeezer (workset compactor), system service trace, addbad (add bad blks by hand), DCL patch for catch cmds, homemade remote DECnet terminals on TT class devices, free device, clear error count, ^D to delete process, create logical name in any table, any mode, delete logical, dribble mail, how to extend indexf.sys, clear RWAST, show idle time on ALL processes, execute cmd before loginout, and more. [.pc_uucp] UUCP packages for IBM PC (MSDOS), Amiga, and Macintosh. [.cmusnmp] SNMP (Simple Net Management Protocol) code for CMU tcp/ip.