PSCDOC:GPLOT.DOC 01 November 1989 GPLOT is a graphics utility program, designed for the processing of CGM metafiles produced by DI3000, DISSPLA10, DISSPLA11, DRAWCGM, NCARGKS1 and NCARGKS2. Source code for GPLOT will be released to other sites, so that graphics created at PSC can be processed locally. Graphics produced by GPLOT can be combined with TEX formatted text by the GTEX program. The version of GPLOT installed on the PSC machines includes drivers for PostScript, Tektronix 4010/4014/4207/4510, Cleartext CGM, and BinaryCGM output. Other device drivers are available for use at other sites, including DEC/GKS, Peritek, Silicon Graphics GL (IRIS), SUN, SUN monochrome, UIS, X Windows. GPLOT cannot handle CGM character-encoded files. The DrawCGM and CGMGen programs are included in this release also. See GPLOT.DOC for more documentation.