This is notification of a new release (3.7) of GPLOT/GTEX. The main changes are support for clear text format cgm files (both generation and interpretation) and some new drivers. Present drivers are tektronix (various), GKS, UIS, PostScript, X11, SUN workstation, Peritek, CGM binary and CGM clear text. All files are in TEX$ROOT:[GPLOT] on CPWSCB.PSC.EDU and CPWSCA.PSC.EDU, accessible by DECNET (these are VMS machines), or FTP (user anonymous, password anonymous). A backup file is TEX$ROOT:[GPLOT]GPLOT.BAK (blocksize 2048). They are also in pub/gplot/src (sources) or pub/gplot/gplot.tar (tar file) on GODOT.PSC.EDU (UNIX machine), use anonymous FTP. All sources are available, plus doucmentation. Please send me mail if you have problems. --Phil Andrews