GPLOT is a graphics utility program, designed for the processing of CGM metafiles produced by DI3000, DISSPLA10, DISSPLA11, DRAWCGM, NCARGKS1 and NCARGKS2. Graphics produced by GPLOT can be combined with TEX formatted text by the GTEX program. GTEX can also create output from DVI files for the supported drivers including Tektronix, Postscript, and QMS. This version of GPLOT includes drivers for PostScript, Tektronix 4010/4014/4207/4510, Cleartext CGM, and BinaryCGM output. Other device drivers are available for use at other sites, including DEC/GKS, Peritek, Silicon Graphics GL (IRIS), SUN, SUN monochrome, UIS, X Windows. GPLOT cannot handle CGM character-encoded files. Version: 4.2 VMS help: GPLOT.HLP VMS document: GPLOT.DOC GPLOT_INSTALL.DOC VMS usage: GPLOT metafile/qualifiers, for example: GPLOT/DEV=PS myfile.cgm for PostScript output to the file "myfile.PS". GPLOT/SCREEN=4010 myfile.cgm for Tektronix 4010 output to the screen. GPLOT/CLEAR_TEXT/DEV=PS myfile.cgmc to create PostScript from a CGM clear text file. GPLOT/CLEAR_TEXT/DEV=CGMB myfile.cgmc to create a CGM binary file from a clear text file. GPLOT/DEV=CGMC myfile.cgm to create a CGM clear text from a CGM binary file. Legal Status of code: GPLOT is not public domain, shareware, or any other kind of ware. Every module is copyrighted and you are being given free license to do whatever you want with it at your site, or to redistribute TOTALLY UNCHANGED AND WITHOUT CHARGE (except for reasonable media cost) to someone who can't get it any other way. It is is copyrighted for 3 reasons 1) So that some company can't put their name on it, maybe copyright it and then sell it. It does happen; it happened to me, it happened to NCAR. This is annoying. 2) It's policy at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. This is wise. 3) So that I don't spend the rest of my life chasing down bug reports from redistributed, hacked code, perhaps with spurious version numbers. Also so that I can make sure everyone has the current version. This is essential. If anyone wants to make a complete new device driver and redistribute it, that's fine since it should have no interaction with the rest of the system. Bug reports: I want 'em. I am most interested in CGM files that contain elements, or combinations of elements, that I have never seen and may not be handling well. I am not interested in people who give me back 20,000 lines of code and say "I've modified it to be better, why don't you use this", I do want reports that tell me I have a bug in line such and such, perhaps with a fix. I'm also interested in any new headers, so long as they can be uniquely identified. -Phil Andrews ( With this release, maintenance of GPLOT will be taken over by Anjana Kar, Please send requests/bug reports to her, but be gentle, she is saving my life here. COPYRIGHT NOTICE GPLOT, copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). All rights are reserved to the Center. Permission to use and distribute GPLOT (including source code) for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted, provided that this documentation and copyright notice are included in all copies. The PSC makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is supplied "as is" without express or implied warranty. Vax, VMS, and Ultrix are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Unix is a trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Y-MP/832 and UNICOS are trademarks of Cray Research. Postscript is a trademark of Adobe Systems.