EVEplus can be build using the following steps: 1) Mount the tape recieved foreign (label=eveplus) 2) Backup the saveset from tape to disk $ backup tape:eveplus.bac/save [...]/log 3) View the file: "eveplus$master.file". This file tells EVE the name of all of its' source files. Check to make sure all of the files listed in this file exist. 4) Define the following symbol "build" $ BUILD == "ED/TPU/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:EVE$SECTION.TPU$SECTION/- $ NOINIT/COM=SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$BUILD.TPU" 5) Check for the existence of the file(s): calluser.pas, calluser.obj, calluser.exe. If you need to recompile and/or link you can use the comfile: callpas.com. 6) Invoke the build by typing: $ build You will be prompted for product name. Enter eveplus, or whatever you wish. It will then prompt for a section filename, with the default based on the product name. Enter a . If all goes well it will complete the build with no errors, and will display that it has saved a given number of procedures, and key definitions. It will have now created a section file with the name of .tpu$section. 7) Exit from the editor. If needed copy the section file to another directory. At our site, we usually copy it to: sys$common:[syslib]eveplus.gbl. 8) Define the symbol eve to point to the section file: $ eve = "ed/tpu/section=sys$library:eveplus.gbl" or $ eve = "edit/tpu 9) Define the logical for calluser: $ define// tpu$calluser disk:[dir]calluser.exe 10) Define or turn on time/date stamp insertion for all files created/modified. See the section on write_file in the eveplus manual. $ define/<....> tpu$comment "YES" ! where <...> is any valid qualifier 11) Define any other logicals of interest for example: $ define/<....> mail$edit callable_tpu ! define editor to mail $ ! other critters that may use tpu such as news $ ! if eve= edit/tpu the following logical must be defined $ define/<....> tpu$section sys$library:eveplus.gbl