Installation of the FORTRAN Programming Tools Note: the file INSTALL.COM in this directory assists in performing the following functions. 1. Mount the distribution tape, e.g. : MOUNT/FOREIGN MTA0: 2. If necessary, create a directory for the tools: CREATE/DIR DUA0:[TOOLS] 3. Copy all files to a directory, e.g. : BACKUP MTA0: DUA0:[TOOLS] ( Continue from here or use INSTALL.COM ) 4. Define symbols for the programs as follows (with device names appropriate to the system) in the system-wide startup procedure : DEFINE/SYSTEM MERLIB DUA0:[TOOLS]MERLIB.OLB { or } { ASSIGN/SYSTEM DUA0:[TOOLS]MERLIB.OLB LNK$LIBRARY } { } { NOTE: This option provides for automatic searching of the } { MERLIB library anytime unresolved references are found by } { a LINK command. } BUGOUT :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]BUGOUT CHECK72 :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]CHECK72 CLEAN*UP :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]CLEANUP DOUBLE :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]DOUBLE EIGHTY :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]EIGHTY FILTER :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]FILTER FLS :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]FLS FORTL*IST :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]FORTLIST FORTVMS :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]FORTVMS FS :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]FS INCL*UDER :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]INCLUDER NAMEIO :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]NAMEIO REORDER :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]REORDER SEND :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]SEND SPLIT :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]SPLIT STRIP72 :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]STRIP72 STUB :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]STUB UNEIGHTY :== @DUA0:[TOOLS]UNEIGHTY UNTAB :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]UNTAB VMSFORT :== $DUA0:[TOOLS]VMSFORT 5. Copy the help files into the system help library, e.g. : LIBRARY/HELP/INSERT SYS$HELP:HELPLIB BUGOUT.HLP . . 6. Install SEND with privilege (add to system-wide startup procedure): $ INSTALL/COMMAND INSTALL> ADD DUA0:[TOOLS]SEND/PRIV=(WORLD,OPER) INSTALL> ^Z All instructions for use of the individual tools and library are included in seperate files on the distribution tape as 'specific_tool'.DOC and 'specific_tool'.HLP. If the use of a tool is very straight forward, only the .HLP file is included. Note: the directory DUA0:[TOOLS] shown above is an example only. Any name may be used. Note that some tools reference a general purpose directory "MERLIN:"; this name may either be defined to point to the tool directory or replaced in the .COM files and souce codes.