This directory structure contains: [.webm] Files pertaining to WEBMERGE, a program to handle multiple changefiles to one WEB file. Print the User's Guide (WEBMUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. [.mweb] Files pertaining to MWEB, a Modula-2 version of the WEB system. Print the User's Guide (MWEBUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. [.scan] Files pertaining to SCANTEX/SCANWEAVE, programs to scan TeX files output by WEAVE and remove sections which have not changed. Print the User's Guide (SCANUSER.TEX), which is in LaTeX form, for more information. All of the documentation for these programs is in LaTeX source form. If you don't have a running TeX/WEB system, the programs will be useless anyway. If you have TeX running, but not LaTeX, the DVI files are provided and can be sent directly to the TeX device driver for your output device.